heart-led coaching and hypnotherapy for heart-led women

It’s time to break out of your box and live an intentional, purposeful, wide-awake and soul-driven life!

Are you ready to invite in more from life?

  • More freedom, joy and alignment?
  • More… space to connect to your values and motivations and create the path you want to take?
  • More self-awareness, so you can peel back the conditioning and unleash the fullest expression of who you are in this now moment?

Whether things are feeling out of kilter in your career, business, relationships or health, or if you just know something doesn’t feel good in your life and want to change that, you’re in the right place.

Through my unique blend of therapeutic coaching and dynamic hypnotherapy, I can help you shed the old skin that’s been keeping you small and stuck, so you can grow into all of who you came here to be!

Are you ready to untangle the noise in your mind and invite in more of what you want into your life?

If so, I’m right here for you!


Hey, I’m Emma.

I’m a therapeutic well-being and mindset coach, dynamic hypnotherapist, and a firm believer that you can be your happiest, healthiest and most fulfilled self when you live with intention and purpose.

I fell in love with coaching and hypnotherapy in 2017 when I can only describe what I was feeling as frustrated, lost and stuck… all tangled together in a messy knot in a very noisy mind.

I wasn’t feeling good in a lot of ways, and this was negatively affecting many areas of my life, particularly my work and my mental health.

I absolutely had a sense that I needed help to figure “it” out. Despite knowing I “should” be happy with my beautiful life, something wasn’t adding up, and I didn’t feel like I was being true to myself. I couldn’t shake the feeling of, “Surely, there has to be more to life than this?” I had this energy and knowing that it was time to get to the bottom of it and move forward.

This was the beginning of my journey of doing “the work.” A journey of peeling back the layers of conditioning, growing my awareness of my patterns and behaviours, connecting with myself on a deeper level, and healing.

It was time to allow myself to step more and more into my true, authentic self each day. Perhaps this sounds familiar to where you are right now?

Along the way, I’ve worked with therapists, coaches and hypnotherapists. I’ve experienced ecstatic dance healing, breath work sessions, cacao ceremonies, sound healing and more.  Each time, I had a new realisation… another deep soul remembering… a nudge towards alignment, self-acceptance and self-compassion.

All this is to say that there’s no one way to journey through this life. This journey is yours. But the power of having space held for you by someone who deeply cares is pure magic.

Are you ready to let go, heal, and embody more love, joy and authenticity?

I’d love to have a chat about how we can make that happen for you!


Book my free call


I often find it hard to describe who or what I am because I don’t like boxes. I’m not here to be labelled. I’m here to simply be me. And that is what I want for everyone else too… a beautiful permission to be all of you!

But in the interests of getting to know each other, here are some things that I love and make me me…

  • The outdoors. There’s just something about wide open spaces that reminds me I’m part of something so much bigger.
  • The sky… the moon, the stars, the sun with its rising and setting – I love the depths of it all. (It both freaks me out and makes my mouth water!)
  • New places to explore, new people to meet and new stories to hear. My heart is wide open to all this incredible world has to show me.
  • An “AND!” I’m both introverted AND loud. I’m both shy AND outgoing. I’m both full of things to say AND totally love silence. I’m both loving AND fierce. I love crystals, oracle cards, breathwork and cacao, AND I love planning, taking action, sending memes all day and playing Boggle. I like to be it all AND nothing at all.

Want to get to know me better and see if I could be the right coach for you?

Book a free chat, and let’s have a natter!

Book my free call

Come and Journey with me

It's time to start living well with intention and purpose...
You bring your beautiful heart & the fire in your belly

I offer an organic approach to your healing, self-discovery and alignment journey. My approach is entirely flexible and responsive to your unique wants and needs. This means we can use a beautiful mixture of any of the tools from my coaching toolkit to get you to where you want to be. These tools include deep conscious coaching conversations, dynamic hypnotherapy, inner child work, teaching, parts work, NLP and somatic experiencing. I’ll bring the non-judgemental safe space, and a backpack full of tools and questions. You bring yourself, your beautiful heart, the fire in your belly and an open mind. And together, we’ll take a journey. Let’s go!

Journey with me

There are currently two ways you can work - a 1:1 Journey and a lifetime access guided coaching and reflective journalling practice. So whether you are ready to go deep and make some big shifts or if you want to gain immediate insights on a specific issue right now, there is something for you here.

What’s included inside a 1:1 Journey with Me…

• A deep-dive intake pack to act as a clear starting point for your transformative journey. This will help you reflect on where you’re at and where you want to head.

• A powerful Activation Audio to help you begin working with your subconscious mind and prepare your mind for your coaching journey.

6 x 60-minute 1:1 online sessions where we work through the mindset blocks and unhelpful beliefs that are weighing you down, so you can move forward with clarity and purpose.

Personalised tools and exercises between sessions to reinforce breakthroughs and help you implement new routines and habits into your daily life.

Accountability check-ins to help you stay motivated and on track with your goals, tackle any challenges, and celebrate your successes.

Personalised integration audios as we move through your journey to help you embed new habits and consolidate shifts.

The investment for “Journey With Me” is £444, or you can choose to pay via 3 instalments of £148

Want to find out whether “Journey with Me” is the right fit for you?

Book your free call, and let’s have a chat. There’s no obligation whatsoever.

Book my free call

1:1 Journey with me

3 month self discovery journey


Join me for a 121 Cord Cutting Ceremony – Let’s cut those energetic ties

This is for you if you are fully READY to let go, energetically, to a particular person or thing. This session is for breaking the emotional and energetic links held within your subconscious mind. 

This is great if you are ready to move on from a relationship (family / romantic / friendship / work) or a pattern of behaviour you are aware that you no longer want to keep running.

Using dynamic hypnotherapy, I will guide you to bring to the fore that which you are ready to finally and fully release.

Cutting energetic ties will release emotional ties that are no longer serving you.

It will support you to let go and create more space within for healing and more aligned connections.

A Cord Cutting Ceremony includes:

• A powerful 20 minute activation audio to prepare you for the Cord Cutting

• An intake questionnaire to self reflect prior to the session

1 x 60-90 minute 121 online session where we have a deep chat around what you want to let go of and why, before going in to hypnosis and completing the Cord Cutting.

• If it feels good to you an oracle card pull to support you after the session

Book my Cord Cutting Ceremony


Cord Cutting Ceremony

Let go of the energetic & emotional ties


Want to unlock some insights NOW? Check out “Chaos to Clarity”

During this powerful practice, I ask you questions to help guide you as you journal through and uncover where you want to head, gain insight on what’s going on for you right now, gain momentum on the potential options for moving forward and you walk away with a set of aligned actions. 

This is pre-recorded and you will have lifetime access to it.

It’s the perfect companion for getting out of your own head and into what feels like the next, most aligned and powerful step for you to take, whatever you’re focusing on.

• A powerful 45 minute guided coaching and reflective journalling practice.

• When you buy, you will gain instant access to an Audio version and a Video version including written journal prompts – so depending on how you like to concentrate best, you’ll find your focus here!

• You can use this for ANY area of your life as long as it’s something you really want to work on; it must be real, it must really matter to you that you begin to find a way forward in this area, it must be something you have some control over, it must be for you and not for someone else.

So if you want to move away from the frustration or overwhelm you’re currently experiencing and to be guided to get crystal clear on what you want and feel clarity about your next steps, then this is for you. Grab your pen and paper, hunker down in a space where you can focus, get curious with an honest heart and mind and give yourself 45 minutes. Unlock some powerful insights, reflect on a particular area of your life, gain clarity around what is holding you back from moving forward and give yourself a set of aligned actions. 

The price of the “Chaos to Clarity” audio is £44 and you can use it again, and again, and again, and again…

Buy it now

Chaos to Clarity

Lifetime Access Guided Coaching and Reflective Journalling Session


What my clients say

Is coaching and hypnotherapy right for me?

Coaching and hypnotherapy are ideal for you if you...
  • Sense or know there’s more joy, love and freedom available to you… even though you may not quite be sure how to articulate what that might look like right now.
  • Desire to live more authentically, so you can be more at ease, more alive and more connected. Perhaps you are done working the job that steals your joy or playing small in your business. Maybe you are done feeling worried, overwhelmed & tied in a knot about which way to turn in life, career, relationship or business?
  • Are ready to build self-trust and self-love, and start holding yourself and believing in yourself.
  • Know that the deeper you meet yourself, the deeper you’ll be able to meet and experience the world around you.
  • Want to find a safe, calm and supportive space where you can ditch self-judgement (because you recognise that just isn’t your vibe anymore!)


Book my free call


When we work together, this is my commitment to you…

    I always promise to be:

    • A space-holder for all parts of you… for all your emotions and feelings. I welcome your whole person to the table. I hold the space for you to unfold and explore yourself with loving curiosity.

    • A mirror to reflect the dissonance and bring a new perspective. I’m here to help you see all the pieces of you, so you can complete your own beautiful puzzle.

    • A facilitator for your healing through holding you in hypnotherapy, parts work and somatic practices.

    • An observer… a stepped-back, curious, loving, compassionate human who wants you to feel all the joy and freedom you absolutely deserve.

    • A teacher to share the tools and models to support your journey. I’ll help you define the challenges you’re facing, and raise your awareness of any limiting beliefs that no longer serve you and might be holding you back.

    • A coach who keeps bringing you back to your heart space, so you can stay true to your purpose, desires and values.

    I’m here to walk by your side and support you to reach your goals, whatever they may be… big or small, long term or short term, exciting or challenging!

Frequently Asked Questions


If you’re ready to move forward and take responsibility for doing the work for the changes you really want for yourself, then it’s right for you. Working with me requires openness, curiosity and a deep desire to stand more in your personal power. I have a discovery call with everyone before we begin working together so we can both make sure it feels like a beautiful, mutual, full, YES!

I hear you! When you are looking for the right help, it can be a minefield, I’ve been there myself. There are as many approaches to therapy and coaching as there are therapists and coaches. We all come with our own styles, tools, models and methodologies and each and every one is equal in value – it's really about finding who feels most aligned with where you are at in your journey.

Not in this neck of the woods! I use dynamic hypnotherapy to work with your subconscious to let go of the obstacles in your way, to cut energetic ties, to regress and rewrite past experiences, to navigate conditioning that no longer serves you, to facilitate inner child healing, and lots more!

Ah – they’re such a vibe. I love meeting new women who are exploring their options. The calls are via zoom, they are up to 30 mins. You’ll book via Calendly, and the form will ask you to share a bit about what you want help with. The call gives you the opportunity to share a bit about where you’re currently at and how you’re hoping to move forward. There is no pressure to be able to perfectly explain things – figuring it out is all part of the process of working together.

I can share about how I work, answer any questions or allay any concerns you may have. They’re very much about seeing how it feels to chat together and figuring out if we are going to be a good fit. There is zero pressure from me and I’ll never put you on the spot – I know how daunting it can feel sometimes, both to meet someone new and then share about yourself.

No, every single woman I work with has a unique journey because I am working with you as an individual. There is no one size fits all model or way of doing things. I work with your heart, your mind, with all of you, or as much of you that you choose to bring to the session. I am here to make all parts of you welcome and journey with you in the way that is the most aligned.

What happens during a session is dependent on what you need.

There are a couple of reasons for this.

Investing in yourself for 6 sessions signals to your brain, that, “yes, I’m here to show up for myself, to consistently put the work in, and give myself the time I need to make the changes I want to make”. It’s a commitment to yourself that you may not have experienced in this way before. Even the act of committing to yourself in this way is demonstrating self-care on a whole new level.

6 sessions allow us time to lay out where you are at, explore the current situation and where you want to be instead. It gives us time to ensure the conditions are right for you to be able to make the changes you want to make. During 6 sessions we get to work on a range of areas of your life, to rewrite, reframe and release the things no longer serving you. Deep and sustainable change gets to be done in a deep and sustainable way.

Some women have them weekly, others every other week, some every three and some monthly. This is something we decide together when we begin around what would be best for you, depending on your circumstances. Most women choose fortnightly, but it’s about discovering what is best for you.

I hear you, it’s okay. I feel nervous every time I have worked with a new coach or therapist, I think everyone does to some extent. I’m here to create a compassionate and safe space for you. There is no doubt that your journey will be creating space for more of you and part of that, might well be nerves. So, we welcome it in. There is no one part of the process which is about judging or trying to ‘get rid of’ things that are unpleasant, but about curiosity of them and seeing what we get to learn about you from them.

Yes, absolutely – I have worked with clients living in the USA, Canada, Mexico & Singapore. I also travel whilst working sometimes, so can always figure out a time zone and find something that works!

Yes, I want this to be accessible as possible for you.

Come and say hello...

If you’d like to explore how working with me could help you make the changes you want to see in your life, I’d love to hear from you! You can get in touch by emailing me at hello@emmahumphreycoaching.com or completing the handy form below. I’m also a massive fan of an Instagram voice note. So feel free to come and say hi over on the ‘Gram. You’ll find me at @emmahumphreycoaching
